Our focus is to help students find their self expression, and to bring alive their improvisation on the social dance floor!

Photo Credit: Brad Whelan Photography - www.bradfordwhelan.com

Le Classique SA State Title 1995 + 1995
Australasian Title 1996
Oceanic Title 1997
Multiple 1st placings in local competitions
4th Strictly at Best of the Best 2015
(first every male follower in Australia)

Dancing Since 1991
Competing Since 1992
Teaching Since 1995
Choreographing Since 1996

School Positions & Associations:
Drifters R'n'R Club - Hamilton NZ
Gene Kelly's - Adelaide, SA
VIP School of Dance - Adelaide, SA
Latino Dance Studio - Adelaide, SA
Dance101 - Melbourne, VIC
OUTdance - Perth, WA
Childers Country Line Dancers - Childers, QLD
Destine Dance - Melbourne, VIC
Li'Rann Dance - Multiple Cities​​​
Personal instruction accelerates your learning so you progress more quickly, and allows you to receive instruction that is tailored specifically to you and to the way you learn best.
group classes
This is the best way to learn to lead and follow, as you rotate through multiple dance partners, as well as meeting and interacting with fellow social dancers while you learn the shapes of your steps.
wedding dances
Your special day is all about YOU and the song you choose to celebrate your day with. We fit you and your dance steps to each other, ensuring we work with your natural movement to help you to be comfortable and confident on the day. We adapt choreography to suit not just you, but also to accommodate your wedding attire and the size of your dance floor.
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